Friday, December 9, 2016

Characters and Emotions Part 2

Characters and Emotions Part 2
We talked all about characters in part one. Now we need to dig deep into the emotion. The emotions in the character changes the emotion of the reader. They don’t have to be the same emotion. Anger can make the reader sad...sometimes. It depends if you like the character.  Let’s start from the real simply short lived feels.
I tried to keep the list short and important

The nonexistent emotion. No character is every at complete peace in the beginning.  And at the end is also never in full state of calm, they’re just more peaceful than before. They can’t be at peace if they haven’t found themselves and usually early in the book they don’t know what that means. The character will say at the end they have found peace, but unless it is their life long dream they get in the end, they haven’t. As the author, you have control over that.
“We made it out alive, that’s all I ever wanted for us.”
It is either with peace hanging in non existent land or at full power in the beginning. This means either way the character will go through anything to reach happiness.  If the book starts out with no sense of happiness the character motivates themselves to  finally be happy. If the character loses all their joy, they will fight to get that same feeling, but make their happiness in the beginning seem bleak compared to  the sense at the end.
“No one ever told me this, that rising from hell would feel so damn good.”
This should hit a character. The feeling should overwhelm them.The love interest is usually one that no one in the book saw coming. The feeling can be played out two ways: Fake and Real. Kind of like boobs.  To where one love is being manipulated for the other person's use, real love interests share the connection.
Love connection is important. Try to make the real love raw. Have more scenes showing the character’s affection and go into details.
“Don’t leave me. Promise me that when it ends- you’ll be here with me.”
Fuel. What makes the car run. Every story has hate. A hate for the villain. A hate against the hero. Hate for mittens. There is always hate. Use hate as fuel, just like it is used in real life. Hatred makes people do crazy things and can provoke war of any kind.
“I dream of killing you every night.  My days are  nightmares when I know you're still alive.”
Hatred that breeds jealousy. Wanting what another has. Usually it is over small things and not often seen in the protagonist. Usually envy is in the villain over the fact someone has a better life than they do. The protagonist can be fueled by the same thing, but that is rarely portrayed. Hatred and envy can lead to the later topic of jealousy
“What does he see in her. He should be mine.”
I personally find anger very attractive when it’s possessive. I talking about when someone hurts the person someone loves and they go crazy.
Anger causes bad choices, most of the time. You are irrational and are only thinking about one violent thing.  Anger usually starts off when that one person takes the “step too far”.  Anger is is long-time buried feeling that erupts and then gets buried again
“When I get my hands on you, and i will, you’re gonna die. I. Will. Kill. You.”
Another emotion that a character explodes with or kicks away like dirt. One important point that needs to be made: Trust is ALWAYS broken by someone. Someone always does something against what another person says, this simple act breaks trust.
“Your plan could damn well kill us all, but when have you ever been wrong?”
This can be magic or hell. When played outside your OTP, usually by someone who wants  someone in it, it can be annoying. When they just don’t get it. But, when it triggers jealousy in the OTP, it is adored. In all honesty, it’s not jealousy if it’s yours- it’s being protective. This emotion can trigger anger and start wars. Not small and  very deadly.
“Let him even cross your mind again, and I’ll hunt you down.”
Used a motivation. Revenge is played out by both parties. Someone was mistreated now they’re a villain. The vengefulness can trigger a chain reaction and soon revenge is all either side wants.It’s completely  dangerous. It spawns dark thoughts in any character. Someone is always expected to take the higher route, but sometimes no one ever does.
“This is the last time- the last damn time, I take your shit.”
All hope is lost. There should always be a moment in the book where everyone feels this. No one knows what to do. They feel lost and broken and scared. They see dark at the end of the tunnel. This moment is important because, this emotion makes the light at the end seem brighter, the closer they get to hope.
“I can’t make it through this anymore. I don’t think I want to.”

Now we can connect it all together!!!!

The character has a peace in their life. Everyday is the same, just how they like it. Then someone comes into their life. Two someone’s actually. Someone good and someone bad.They love that good someone. But then the bad rolls in. They hate them. Jealousy and envy build inside of them. And they live to break the happiness in the new couples life. They get close to them, and soon break their trust. That person gets angry. They lose themselves and that person. They seek revenge. When everything spirals, they fall into a pit of despair. Until that good comes back and brings happiness and a new kind of peace.

That’s a story with 10 basic emotions.

This is it assassins!
Follow us on wattpad: neverlander_555 & taytay2726
Instagram: bookassassins

Twitter: LtAssassins

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Character and Emotions Part 1

Characters and Emotion!
These are kinda writing tips,
I wanted to talk about important characters and emotions. I’m going to put these in separate post. In hopes that it won’t be too long,
The thought came to me while I was watching this really hot guy get all protective  and  angry and thought some bad things and went “Blogging!” before sipping my smoothie.
Yeah...I’m trash.
I want to start off with the important character to have.
Love Interest!
Very Important.There should always be a little love interest. No matter what sex or what shape.
And when I  say shape I mean  line or love triangle. Pick carefully!
Just Kidding! (No I’m not).
Whether it starts of as hate or a long  unknown love , this is important, It shows a lot about a character's.
They are not ALL that______.  
Fill in the blank with bad, or innocent or shy.

The Main Girl:
They usually go four way: Badass, Nerd, Naive Innocent, Bitch
There should always be a girl, just like how there should always be a guy.  A girl that's  either a BFF or Love interest! Make sure she and the main guy are close!
You can also make the main girl a villain.
The Main Guy
They can go the same way as the girls, except they can’t be a bitch ( unless they’re being a little bitch). Their fouth  option is usually being a dick.  Again they are either a BFF or a love interest and/ or villain
Group of Friends or Partners
Very important! They complement the main characters. The friends can tell who the person is. The nice guy with the bad guys or the bad girl  with the good girls. Or The bad guys and the good girls.  These can be switched. The guys can do charity while the girl’s do the bad shit,
Fuck gender roles!
Now We should Dig Deeper on to each trait!
The Dick
The guy that doesn’t give a shit about you or what you care about. Only cares for one thing. If he finds something you don’t like, he will do it, just because fuck it. He has and will continue to fuck anyone he wants. He is a general douche bag and witty as frick.
He either really likes you or hates you.
“If it bothers you that damn much, leave...That’s what I thought.”
The Sarcastic Dick
The best person in a book!
Not like the dick up their, but just the ass  that opens his mouth  at the wrong time. He is a cock block and likes to bother everyone. He smiles more and is  amused at the discomfort or anger he caused.
This usually goes best with: the best friend to the main guy and the main guy. The main guy is usually more of a dick but completely sarcastic, while the best friend is the same but less dick and more goofy.
“Well fuck! Would this be a bad time to mention the meter’s running?”
The Bitch
The girl who tries to break up the OTP. In anyway. Even if the girl is her friend she will continue to tell the main girl that he’s bad, Sometimes it can be so The Bitch can have the guy for herself
The Bitch can also just hate the  everyone else and wants to be on top. She will bring down anyone who gets in the way.  To me she is just this annoying roadblock. Sometimes you can have a bitch that isn’t too bad, but that is hard and close to impossible.
“He’ll just screw you and leave, just hand him over now, bitch.”
The Nerd
The one that looks at everyone like their crazy. The person that can explain how every terrible plan can and will go terrible. They read and can stay quiet. You don’t want to verbally fight with them, because they will slay you verbally if they are not shy.
Usually portrayed as shy and like to be alone, except when they are around groups, then they like to be with their friends.
“I give your mom fifteen minutes before she realizes you stole your car and you are grounded for the rest of the year. Tell me how March through November looks through your bedroom window.”
The Cutie
The person that knows they are cute. They pout and tilt their head and get whatever they want. Pretty much know they’re a princess. This can be played out more innocent, but  that's a whole new type of character,
That’s it though. They can wear black clothes or pink. They grin or smile, but   they make cute and sexy comments.
“Come one, babe, I don’t bite.”
The person that knows no sexual terms. She can curse or try her best not to. She  knows nothing about sex or anything bad. She will name every bad thing that could happen- like the nerd. When she says it though it’s a bit of a ramble and she just doesn’t want anyone to get hurt. The Nerd might let their friends do something stupid the Innocent will beg them not to- then tag along.
“I don’t understand. What’s wrong with watching Netflix and hanging out.”
Anyone! Anyone who slays!
They are usually portrayed as no makeup (if a girl or a boy, I don’t judge.) if they do it’s like eyeliner.  They were all black, they don’t give two shits.
That does not matter! They can dress and do whatever they want, as long as they do amazingly badass things as well. Say they are putting on pink lipstick and have on a dress, but someone comes up to attack them. If they beat that person down while holding their lipstick, and then continue to put on lipstick when finishing off the guy after them, THEY ARE A BADASS!
“Well shit! You smudged my shoes, you fuck.”
The Scary One
They don’t say much. They are silent and threatening. They  are protective over people who they care about. As soon as someone fucks with that person they attack. They don’t have to do or say shit, They have serious RBF and like it that way. Keeps the people away.
“Apologize now!”
The Plan B
Where did they come from?
Usually interferes with the OTP. They are the person that comes into to town when the OTP is sinking slowly. They make it happen faster. They are there as soon as the OTP is broken and swoops to save the day and mend a broken heart. They are playfully flirtatious, that is until it works out.
This person could also help with character growth. They help the character grow to be a better person. Either way they are there when the character is about to get their heart broken and will swoop them off their feet.
“It’s fine, I’m here for you, I’ll never leave.”
The There, but Not
The person who helps the main character, but won’t die for them.
They love the main characters and are always there when they are needed- except when their life is on the line. The main characters probably don’t know this person’s real name, just in case it slips. They have everything that the character is looking for, except an aly on the battlefield.
“It was lovely talking to you. Don’t call, but know I love you. Take the back door just in case someone is watching.”
Simple. The person trying to do good. They do  not have to be the protagonist. If the villain is the main character, they are the antagonist. If their goal is save people and make sure as many as possible surve they are the hero.
“I’ll protect you will mylife, no one will hurt you.”
World domination!  If played right, they are my favorite. That are usually a sarcastic dick or they are like Damon, Klaus, and Elijah from TVD. They are different. They could just try to ruin one person's life and not give a fuck about the casualties. They could kill anyone that defies them in anyway. Or they could be calm and cool, but when they roll up their leaves when someone is about die.
No this does not mean, just guys are villian. Katherine was a villain was she not?
“I’ll kill every person who bumps into you on the street. Give me what I want or I give you the casualties.”
Next Post: EMOTIONS!!!!!

This is it assassins!
These are my tips.
Follow us on wattpad: neverlander_555 & taytay2726
Instagram: bookassassins
Twitter: LtAssassins

Friday, July 29, 2016

Reading For School

How to Read a book for school!
It’s not easy.
Reading for school is hard. Most books for school are depressing and sad and about hard times.  I don’t about you, but I read to get away from all that. I’d rather read about fae going into war and falling in love… BUT that’s just me.
Reading for school involves patience and taking time out of your day. Don’t be like me and write a blog post you’ve been holding off on just to block your other reading... for school. (Reason #1 why not to take my advice.)
I suggest reading on a schedule. I know during summer and after school you want a break and school  is being a bit of an ass by giving you work on your damn break.  If you read at the same time everyday and around the same amount your body will be used to it.

Do not read after right  after school. You DO need a break. I know you want to get things done, but it’s not  good to push yourself. Have a nice snack and watch an episode of a hour-long TV school  and then get working.
You won’t remember shit and that is a promise. When you’re reading tired you are reading the words, but you are not comprehending them and that is the whole point. It would better for you to just go to maybe take a nap  or wait until you're energized in some way. Personally I started waking up early and reading then before getting ready for school.

Know the difference between work and fun. You cannot force that feeling you get  from  reading a book you want upon a book you don’t. I know that when I read something I want, I forget that I’m reading and I feel like I’m watching  pictures unfold on the pages. When I HAVE TO read,  I am analysing text to figure out what petty thing my teacher  will pick out and put on a test.
Figure out your own way to understand what your reading and try to connect. This is the hardest step.Understanding what the hell you’re reading.  Understand what the author and the teacher are trying to  teach you. There is also a lesson you can take from a book. It makes it hard to take away from something you are not trying to understand. Find a way to relate yourself to characters or talk to a person who does enjoy the  book or read every paragraph and didn’t skip over a few.

I had another step, but forgot it. So all I can say now is read and succeed.  I know you are probably reading about some girl who lived a bad life and is dying, but keep going and try not to fall into a pool of sadness.

I love you all.
Follow us on wattpad: neverlander_555 & taytay2627
Follow instagram : Book Assassins


Saturday, June 18, 2016

ShadowHunters TV Series Review

ShadowHunters Review
The TV (nothing else)
I have strong feeling about this show so we are going to say this will be a BR-13.
I really do not where to start.
I held out and kept in my feelings in until  I saw the whole season. I think the first thing that comes to mind is: IF YOU COULD NOT FIT IT IN AN HOUR AND THIRTY MINUTES WHAT THE HELL MADE YOU THINK YOU   GET IT IN THIRTEEN DAMN EPISODES!!
This rating may change to BR-MA…
I want to start with the progressions of my feelings.
I watched the movie before reading the movie. Like always you do not see the flaws. I sure as hell didn’t. When I heard there  was going to a show I died. My soul  left my body along with my sanity. I heard a ‘Logan what the hell are you doing up here?’  and then I was thrown back to my body.
Watching the show I held a lot of freedom for the first few episodes. That freedom left fairly soon.
They changed the whole damn thing. They hit key points but those heartwarming small things they just cut.

Now My 3 Big  Plot Problems (spoilers)
Like I said above the changes. The changes were SO big.
  1. I almost cried when Jace and Clary kissed in the garden...
Guess what? That did not exist.
They made it 21st century. They probably did so thinking the teens wanted future. Guess what it does not MATTER!  In the book they did not tweet any one.
I did not get my library if you could not tell from the caps above.
I thought I could adapt… I could not.
2. The whole wedding scenario. What the hell was that actually? I cut my patience after that.  I was not happy with the change in plot and how it affected the characters. They were making it more drama than it was. When you have an action show you can balance drama and action.
They did not.
This messed up the relationship between  everyone. It was more about the OTP then it was  parabatai and other relationships. Jace and Alec’s relationship is VERY important. It is one of the key plot points. Alec risking both of their lives  would not happen…
3. Jace leaving. The way... was no. Just no. I love who played Valentine. He was seen too early. Him coming out is a big reveal. The person who played Valentine is one of my favorite actors. As the king in Reign he made me love and hate him.
Everything happened too fast. Throughout the story it was rushed and seemed messy
This is something important to talk about to me. The actors affect a lot.
Saying that the acting was not at it’s best.  The character seemed more like:  we're going there and saying some lines.
Clary:  She did not add the sassy and crazy I see in Clary. Clary is a forward, brave girl. She is that friend where you can tell they got an idea. And when they do, you pray… because someone may die.
Kat did not bring that same  sass and kick ass that I need.  I read this story on  I will leave it below. I agree with it completely.
Another thing is that I see Lily Collins as Clary. She does not have Kat’s bright red hair, but she did have red hair for awhile. Lily’s acting for Clary was more precise. Lily acts like she read the book pretty much.
tumblr_inline_o260jiTNrm1tnx4n5_500.gif tumblr_mwyi80kSNL1scurlpo4_250.gif
I don’t feel the sass, honey.

Jace: DOMINIC!!!!! *whines*
Dom was so good in Vampire Academy.
He is just not  getting that arrogant, sex beast that is Jace
Speaking of him and Clary, they act like they just met. They look more alive out of character.
I  like Simon.
I like Magnus
I like the Lightwoods
They did change Izzy character and um… fuck that. You got her right for looks. She is a bit nicer than Izzy as well.
Alec is my spirit animal…

All together I am not feeling it. They changed the story completely.  Demons die in sparkles:
Not that scary…

When making a book a show go to either the CW or a paid channel. Example of book to show: Outlanders
One of my favorite characters (*cough* villain *cough*) is about to come in. If they fuck him up I will sue…
No joke please do not  hurt me like that ABC Fam-... FREEFORM…
That’s all killers
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