Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Heir of Fire by: Sarah J Maas

There is no way to say this without using rainbow language. Which means this review is rated BR- MA (BR- book review, if you don’t know MA, stop reading now. I can’t write this without spoilers. So at least have read, the first two books

They say the best books are the ones you have to put down, because you get to emotional. Well then this shit must the Queen of books. At first i just looked at the cover. I read the first damn sentence and the Feels just drove in an ran me over. And when I refused to die, Death decide to follow me and wait, because even he knows with all the damn book I read… I won't last long.

Heir of Fire is death. The best and worst death. You will die, and repossess your body, read some more. Laugh. cry. die. Forget your dead and continue to read. Realise, you can’t flip your page a month later, because you are STILL going through emotionally damage.
The beginning is literally so hard. First, you have a new character, who gets her own chapter. Bitch, I cannot get through them, and I can list hundreds of other readers who can’t either. I just have trouble reading about characters, who I am not emotionally connected to. Celena, who is now on her own, is now training with Rowan, the hot, muscular, hot, fae prince, who works for her aunt. Her aunt wants her to take her throne as Queen. To do so, she must reconnect with her powers. She is scared of them. She stays with the other Demi-fae, of course, there is something lurking around in the forest.

On the other side of the sea. Dorian falls for a maid. We all know what's running through our minds. A prince, with magical powers, and a healer… and the prince with a father...thats a dick. We can put two and two together and make four different problems out of this situation. One being that… HE IS APART OF THE DAMN LOVE TRIANGLE. THERE IS NO CANOODLING ALOUD!
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Now lets get to Choal. He parted with Celena. They went from acquaintance, to lovers, to fucking enemies, and then lovers with a literal ocean between them. She left him with a mission, and he is out to fulfil it with the help of her cousin. HOLD A DAMN MINUTE.

Who looks like her. And has been with her until after they were separated .
Her cousin Aedion, is Celena or Aelin, as a male. Sarcastic, cute, though he is a partier, and a ladies man, he has complete loyal to Aelin. However she is. Whether she is Celena, or Lillian, he would die for her. I found that hot. He got pointstumblr_inline_n5wxau3zsp1sa9rv5.gif

So Celena is now a hot head badass assassin
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Rowan is a hot ass Fae, who uses Ice and wind magic
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Dorian is a hot price, who uses ice and wind magic
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Manon is… wait what?
Two princes. One fae. One human. And they both use the same magic… there is a damn connection. Shit is about to go down.
Manon is a witch.

Choal is a lover, who will do anything for Celena, and has a nice ass.
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Aedion is her crazy ass cousin, who gains points
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The end of this book. Is easy to get through. It has so much going on. It is like riding a damn rollercoaster, but you end gentle at the end, with a few tire tracks on your back, from the FEELS running you over.
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But… get ready for the next ride with the  Queen of Shadows!!


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