Best music to listen to all depends on the book.
You have different moments:
- Sad
- Funny
- fangirl/ boy death
- angry
And for all of those you need the perfect song. you also need songs where you can block it here. Music is meant to block you out from the rest of world’s sounds, so you can pay attention to the words, but they can also make a scene more intense, pulling out emotions.
The songs that you use to block out the rest of the world have to be a moderate tempo, if they are too fast then you will to them. NO RAP. Most of the time, you try to rap along, so you will focus and sing the song, and you will also try to read, BUT will be confused and have to reread.
Now for fight and intense scenes, fast songs with a killer bass, are best. They make you hype and you will never stop screaming “Savage”. Some songs with rap are good for these scene, just try not to, dance or sing.
A song that I love for these scenes is Hey Mama by David Guetta, because it is a song to hype people up.
Sad songs for sad moments, just incase the words don’t bring enough tears. I am just going to list songs right now, because thats all I can do. And these could also work for fan death scenes, depending on what is happening. 
“Young and Beautiful” by Lana del Rey, this works when characters have passionate moments, but amazing for slow dance scenes.
“West Coast” by Lana Del Rey, if of all the chorus is life. And it has so much emotion it kills me.
“Born to die and Blue Jeans” Are great too.
Next. “EXPLOSIONS” which i am listening to right now, is so heartfelt, i want to cry listening to it.
“Dead in the Water” it sounds like it might be strange, but the words tell a story, that you can picture.
“JOY” another one by Ellie goulding is about love, and it starts off slow, but the chorus is powerful.
Intense moments are moments when you listen to songs without words. And i know what you're thinking. No Words? What is the point? Well think of it as a movie. Most songs are there, with no words, you hear them, but you do not acknowledge them, but they makes things SO intense. The song “The Winter Soldier” in the Captain America the winter soldier film, is a song with no words, but the instruments in the back play out the scene, sending a filling of intensity
Music changes everything for a person. But if you don’t feel like taking notes, I will make a spotify with different playlist. Multiple ones, to relate to different scenes
Example: Book Assassins SadS (S for scene) ^crying emoji^
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